- Oh partyland owns the rigths to the content on ohpartyland.com.
- Oh partyland free SVG files and free printables are for personal use only. This means you may not redistribute, re-sell or claim the designs as your own.
- When sharing photos from our site, please only share one photo per post and link back to the post with proper credit.
- If my printables violate any copyright laws, please let me know and I will remove them right away.
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I spend a lot of time creating printable and SVG files that I share for free with you all. However, to continue to do so, there are a few simple rules that I ask you to understand and respect.
All the free printables and Free SVG files, I share on ohpartyland are meant for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
This means:
- You can’t use my free printables for commercial purposes
- You can’t modify or claim them as your own
- If you want to share a file, please send a link to the related article on my website but don’t share or send the file on its own.
I will use these LOL Alphabet Letters for my Great Granddaughter's Birthday Scrapbook. Thanks, Mary