How to make tissue paper pom poms

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Today I'm gonna show you how to make tissue paper pom poms step by step. Also, I'll give you some tips to make your pom poms fluffier and even more beautiful. So, let's see how to make Tissue paper pom poms!


Tissue paper pom poms are an easy way to decorate every party theme or holiday. They are simple and inexpensive decoration. I've done tissue paper pom poms for a long time and let me tell you that is much cheaper to make them on your own, plus you can make colorful pom poms. 


- String
- Tissue papers 
- Scissors
- Pencil


You can use one color of tissue paper or mix and match for a unique multicolored look. 
If you want fuller pom poms, use more than 5 layers of tissue paper.
Round both ends of tissue paper stack using scissors to make a scalloped edge. For spiky tissue paper pom poms, cut triangle points instead. 

To hang tissue paper pom poms, tape the string to the ceiling or wall. 


 I hope these tutorial and tips have been useful. If you make tissue paper pom poms, I'd love to see it! ðŸ¤—  Tag me on Facebook. or instagram(@ohpartyland). Comment what other  DIY do you wanna see!

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